Narrative: "A Reluctant Morning"
What is that noise? It sounded like an elephant just fell in the living room.
What a mess… What had they done last night? Why does he smell like that and ugh…. Blood!!!! On the TILE!!!!
“Will you please explain to me exactly what in the name of kittens you're doing up this earl...Holy mother of gratuitous facial scarring, did you insult a man with a weed eater or did I miss the memo about self-flagellation coming back into style?!?”
“Err... negative, Pookie, just a lack of balance and a cat that needs skinning. Could you see your way clear to grabbing me a mirror, a pair of tweezers, and a Percoset from the bathroom? Also, hydrogen peroxide and a nice cup of chamomile would come in handy as well.”
“Would His Eminence care for fries with that?”
“Silence, shrew, and fall to my bidding, I'll brook no insolence this morning.”
“Ok, Ok, just quit bleeding on the tile.” With that I was off to get help for my boy with his ill fate. I wish he wouldn’t drink so much away from the home. Doesn’t he think about the repercussions of his actions? I never get a night out with the girls. I’d say that at least he’s with my brother… but my good for nothing brother!! That’s no help!!!
Where are those medical supplies? Why can’t he put things back where they belong? I just got out of the hospital not two weeks ago, and he can’t be considerate enough to be top notch to help around the house. And I am not letting that dog out!! Bark baby, bark. He’ll let you out to stop the pain. He’s probably dragging his poor behind across the floor right now.
He better not expect me to help him clean up. As soon as he’s all stitched up, I am making him mop that floor. Then he’ll have to let the dog back in.
And I am not making him breakfast. There’s deep fried chicken in the fridge if he’s hungry. After all, I need to get some more sleep after being up all night worrying about those two being out… those two!!!!
“Where’s Johnny?”
Probably having it just as bad as miboy right here. Hopefully worse, keeping me worried all the night long. This dope can’t even remember when he dropped Johnny off last night, or where he dropped him off. I hope he dropped him off…. Why hasn’t he answered yet…?
David's original narrative
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