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on February 27, 2007 at 2:40:24 pm


All Together, Now: Presentational Protocols


Crystal, Caitlin, Hend, and Brian will give a presentation on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. The rest of us will prepare for this workshop by continuing to read McCloud and apply the principles for multimedia composition he shares in Understanding Comics to our writing-in-wiki experiments. Prepare questions for the group, but be prepared to allocate your undivided attention to the presentation, first. After listening, tune your questions, and, thinking and performing rhetorically, adapt them to the timing, unfoldment, and overall effect of the group's presentation, with an ear towards fostering further whole-group discussion.


for guidance, consult "The Fundamentals of Dialogue."


Housekeeping: Wrapping up the Narrative/Remix/Peer-Calibrated-Grading Unit


Bundle your rhetorical performance (as discussed last week: opening gambit, remixes of peers, a fit-and-finished narrative, and, finally, a link to your peer-grading activity), and post it this page:






Definition Revisited: on the uses and abuses of definition for and towards final projects


Definition and Branding


Grokking the GIMP

Scripts for the Week

1. building on previous blogs: trolling for definitional exergy with imagery. 500 words.

2. definition drafts due next week: establish word/technique quota

3. nestedness of wiki, recursivity: informal writing as review, re-tuning, like this:


a. cut:


passages from the handouts, texts, peer-work, i.e. assigned readings


b. mix:


make links, transribe passages to the wiki.


c. connect:


write a summary, share a critique, offer a description, render an implicate connection explicate.


4. Determine assigned reading and presentation protocols for next week

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