Presentational Protocols:
Crystal, Caitlyn, Hend, an Brian will give a presentation on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. The rest of us will prepare for this workshop by continuing to read McCloud and apply the principles for multimedia composition he shares in Understanding Comics to our writing-in-wiki experiments. Prepare questions for the group, but be prepared to allocate your undivided attention to the presentation, first. After listening, tune your questions, and adapt them to the timing and unfoldment of the presentation and discussion that will follow.
for guidance, consult "The Fundamentals of Dialogue"
Wrapping up the Narrative/Remix/Peer-Calibrated-Grading Unit
Bundle your rhetorical performance (as discussed last week: opening gambit, remixes of peers, a fit-and-finished narrative, and, finally, a link to your peer-grading activity), and post it this page:
Definition Revisited
Definition and Branding
Grokking the GIMP
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