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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago



Browsing and writing typically call to mind different arrays of imagery and usually describe different aspects of active attention management. But tabbed browsing helps turn browsing into a percussive enterprise, which, once it gets rollllllin', needs open wiki windows to the infinite to dissipate tabbed energy in a way that can be regulated by acts of writing. Before you explore and bookmark the online tools and resources listed on this page, and before you go any further in your wiki itinerary, be certain to install Firefox and familiarize yourself with tabbed browsing.


From tabbing to tagging: SearchTag. Find and make patterns in wiki.


ProseActivationStation : experience grammatical voice as a rhetorical choice


nonlinear adding machine cut it up


Widget Library! this "scriptorium" shares (java) scripts for making the wiki sizzle. F'shizzle!


Unblock sites


The Creative Commons - Learn about how to share and protect your compositions


Freesound- just what it says...and so much more.


CCMixter a place to share and remix sonic productions.


Audacity - free and open source multi-platform audio editing and recording software.


legaltorrents creative Commons-licensed, legally downloadable, freely distributable creator-approved music, movies, and books.


Odeo and podomatic - it's so easy to host podcasts at these sites.


You Tube you haven't checked out You Tube? There's also Medicine Films. Free video upload--once uploaded, videos can be embedded on this wiki.


The GIMP - free and open source graphics editing software.

Grokking the GIMP - free online GIMP user's manual.



Open Office and Neo Office - free open source software that replaces Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.


Craig Waddell's free prose mechanics


Elements of Style, a classic


How to...


Instructables how to collaborate...


Required Texts and the protocols for making them come to life


TV Tropes Wiki amazing tool for twisting, turning, tweaking, and otherwise patterning language.

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